Fueling the Fun
We offer various lunch options to keep campers energized. It's essential for campers to bring a healthy snack and a water bottle so they stay energized and hydrated throughout the day.
Lunch Plan
The Tartan Café offers a weekly lunch plan to campers enrolled in full-day camps. The lunch plan includes an assortment of daily food choices, which may include chicken, pizza, macaroni and cheese, burgers, quesadillas, pasta, Asian cuisine, veggies, rice, beans, and more.
In addition to hot lunch options, campers can enjoy the soup and salad bar, fresh fruit, snacks, and a variety of drinks.
The meal plan must be purchased through CampBrain.
All campers are encouraged to bring a healthy snack from home and a water bottle daily. Contactless water fountains are stationed around campus and are available to refill water bottles throughout the day.
If your child attends the Extended Day program, we highly recommend packing an additional healthy snack for them.
The Tartan Café does not serve items with peanuts or tree nuts. However, those items may be brought from home. Please alert Highlander Summer staff if your child has severe allergies.